In honor of National Women’s Day I felt on my heart to write a more personal post today. A letter to my daughters after dealing with loss. A lot has happened in the last three months. So much has changed and the mother and type of person I am is very different. If I could provide some insight and some amazing things that I have learned through this challenging time it would be this….
Dear Daughters:
If your Dad and I could put into words how grateful we are for the two of you we would. You indefinitely changed us in ways we never knew were possible. I only hope and pray that someday you get to experience the amazing love and bond we will forever have, with your very own children someday.
When I first saw pregnant on my pregnancy test with my oldest, I felt an overwhelming amount of gratefulness and nervousness. Was I ready to become a Mom? Would I be a good Mom? Would I know how to care for you? Those were some of the questions that flooded my thoughts. Â I took the best care possible of you while you were both growing. I made sacrifices that were so challenging at times but so incredibly worth it. So many times while you were sleeping I would rock with you asleep in my arms. I prayed over you and thought of the life I want us all to have together.
Unfortunately, sometimes life throws challenges at us. You both have been witness to my tears and heartache in the last few months after losing your Papa, My Dad. But here’s one thing that’s true, our relationship is real and it’s authentic. As much as I want to shield you from the pain this world will sometimes put on our plate, I can’t. What I can show you is what a Godly woman looks like and how we can get through anything together with God on our side. Even the hardest toughest things. I can also show you what tenacity is in life.
I remember your Papa telling me in the hospital, I don’t want you to tell my granddaughters stories of me. I want to be there to watch them grow up. His and my fears came true but your Papa loved you more than you will ever know. You were his world. He lit up every chance he could spend time with you. There are so many things that I learned from your Papa that I want to share with you. Life is so precious. That the quality time that you give to those most important to you is the best gift you can ever give someone.
I want you to know you have an opportunity and a chance to give back in this world. That your kindness and notice of people can make such an impact. That God will give you both talents over the years, make sure you put them to use. I want you both to follow your dreams. Whatever that may be. Do something that brings you joy and brings joy to others. Don’t sweat the small stuff. When life get’s hard the little things in life that tend to upset us really won’t matter. Material items will fade but the memories and experiences will always stay. I hope you will know that.
I want to show you that you have incredible worth that will never be found in things, a person, a friendship, a relationship, or a career. It is found in God. That you were fearfully and wonderfully made. I want you to experience so much more outside of our bubble that we live in. I want you to see the world and learn from other cultures and people.
I want you to know that people are going to disappoint you. People will hurt you and life will get tough but I want you to forgive. Sometimes friendship and relationships are worth walking away from. Protect your own heart and forgive even if that means you won’t continue a relationship. Forgiveness is a true example of what Christ has done for us.
Cherish and love those close to you. Each day is a gift. Make each day you are given count.
Never stop learning.
I want you to know that as your Mom I plan to give you the very best childhood I can. That I will be the best Mom to both of you. That I will love you unconditionally. That we are in this life together. Let’s make our time together amazing.
If I could sum up the things I have learned from your Papa it would be this: to love and follow God, that he alone will get you through even the toughest times in your life, to make an impact on others, that quality time is the best gift you can give someone, that personal growth is so important, to use the talents and strengths given to you. That family is so important. To make each day you are given count.
I love you both more than you will ever know. I can’t wait to watch you grow.
Love your Momma
Photography by Blooming Cactus Events & Photography
Designed by Inspired Tide Design
Oh Bethany.. my heart… As wives, mothers, and sisters we carry so much weight on our shoulders as we strive to be perfect in every way. Shielding our children is something that we WANT to do but eventually we figure out we can’t. Life DOES through those curve balls and showing your children how you react is where the love and learning comes in .. and it’s all good:)
My dad passed away a few years ago and I felt that I’d never be able to stop the tears and my life would be forever changed. The tears eventually stopped but my life will never be the same. We learn to live and love what we have .. and have a special place in our hearts for our loved ones.
Your children will appreciate your letter and you are such a wonderful mom:.
xo Leslie
Aw thank you so much Leslie! I am so sorry you have experienced loss as well, it is so hard. It does give us a different perspective on life and how to love and appreciate things differently. Thank you so much for reading and for your sweet comment friend. xoxo
So beautiful, Bethy. I love it so much.
Love ya
Aw thanks, love you too!!
That is so beautiful. It made me cry. Your daghters will be so grateful to have this.
Thank you for sharing.
Aw thank you so much Meg! Sending you lots of love xo
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