Hi!  As some of you may already know I LOVE home decor books!  I have stacks on my coffee table and in my office.  I love to flip through while sipping a cup of coffee and enjoy seeing well designed spaces from around the world!  Today I am sharing some of my favorite home decor & coffee table books.  You really can’t have enough beautiful books! These books are not only fun to flip through with beautiful inspiration they also look pretty displayed.  What are some of your favorites?
1). Â Domino
2). Â Cupcakes & Cashmere
3). Â Elements of Style
4). Absolutely Beautiful Things
5). Â Simplicity
6). Â Styled
7). Â The Year of Cozy
8). Â Remodelista
9). Â Living With Patterns
A few other books I really like are Victoria Hagan Interior Portraits & All In Good Taste by Kate Spade
I love to have pretty bookends. Â This set is from Z Gallerie
If you have any book recommendations of ones that you love please let me know I am always collecting!
Photography by: Jamee Edwards & Kristen June
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